I don't really like how shaky the character is in the first few seconds. Maybe it's because you're animating on 1s, or that you may not be using onion skins to help you.
I don't really like how shaky the character is in the first few seconds. Maybe it's because you're animating on 1s, or that you may not be using onion skins to help you.
It’s on 2s and 3s, it just looks like that cause it’s a 3 second shitpost.
I feel like it would be better if the blue energy around it stayed when the snowman reached super saiyan, to show that was melting him.
Alternate Title: Steampunk 1977
Very nice loop. I like how the boat gets broken down in the first half, but in the second half, is fixed by those it has met to match the silhouette it had in the start.
This feels so realistic to me. Can't believe you found a way to convey that without voice acting
It's a perfect loop.
This is Dorkly Humour but animated. So AOK with a bit more expertise
Edit: I mean AOK the YouTube channel
Part of me thought that it was going to end with dark humour, like the friends became Scoopy's food or the frozen treats were former residents. I guess that was just me thinking about early Newgrounds humour
Killing people to get out of debt has been done, but you could change some things to make it new. You can also elongate the series by adding in "interest" which is just more money over time. E.g. Jiro may have to fight more yokai for wasting time.
Oh yeah don’t worry there’s a lot more to the story than the contract >:)
Art every month.
Games whenever.
Animations even less frequently.
Profile picture by dewdneym
Great Britain
Joined on 10/31/16