Since you originally uploaded this on Twitter, the panels are less readable. Might I suggest shuffling and resizing panels to be read left to right, or just linking the blocks vertically rather than 2-by-2
Since you originally uploaded this on Twitter, the panels are less readable. Might I suggest shuffling and resizing panels to be read left to right, or just linking the blocks vertically rather than 2-by-2
I would but the panels are big enough as is. I wanted to keep them all going down but NGs limit is Abt a lil over 10,000 pixels. It would take a lot longer. Future chapters will be in a better format.
How is this related to summer?
idk brapp*******
You could upload this to the Summer Lovin Animation Jam.
You just need to link a song, though.
Thanks for the tip. I'm just discovering this now.
Berdly really is the Gwess of the Fun Gang, who is the Hol Horse of the Stone Ocean team
Rouxls Kaard would definitely be a solid Hol Horse, in the idea that they never get anything right and always fucks up
Is this inspired by the shapeshifter species in adventure time?
Nope! I haven't watched Adventure Time
Can you give a screenshot of the original?
Please remove the tangent on Pim's eyes
I noticed a line there.
I'll fix it later.
You know that you can put multiple pictures in one art piece, right?
You think I should try that?
I'd recommend you add the content warning in the title instead, since the first photo is given the highest quality. Aim the thumbnail away from the gore, if you don't want people seeing that unintentionally
Thanks for the tip! :)
Cool art, but why did you make the thumbnail just the background?
i didn't want to show specific people, the itention is to show everyone
Art every month.
Games whenever.
Animations even less frequently.
Profile picture by dewdneym
Great Britain
Joined on 10/31/16