Watching this load, frame by frame, was an experience in and if itself.
However, it seems like you intended to do a short animation, made your last frame an overshoot, and decided to elongate it. Except, doing that multiple times.
Watching this load, frame by frame, was an experience in and if itself.
However, it seems like you intended to do a short animation, made your last frame an overshoot, and decided to elongate it. Except, doing that multiple times.
Yea. it's a loop.
The purple is too bright, contrasting with the piece's dull tones
i wanted to give the piece a disorienting feeling like as if the kid snorting smarties was getting high. i really liked the weird effect that bright purple gave when it contrasted with the dullness of everything else. youre right though, i shouldve made that element more prominent within the piece if i was going to include it, otherwise it looks like a mistake.
I think you should've uploaded this at a higher resolution.
That's fair, I slapped it over from Twitter where it looked fine, it doesn't look right here though >.>
Q. What do you mean by "edited"?
It was originally a picture of clouds which i found on a site where you’re allowed to use free pictures (its called Unsplash) from that site & i just used a pixel filter i found a while back over it and saturated (i think thats what it was, i kinda forgot) it a bit
I haven't seen this form of animation before, or at least using a brush like this. It's somewhat abstract.
Anyways, I'd prefer if the lineart and brushwork were separate.
I made this one a bit weird to match the odd form of a jellyfish (which I have been informed is not what BalloonShroom is, so it was all for folly)
This is on MSPaint?
yup :)
You should upscale the image, so that it doesn't look blurry.
I don't see it blurry outside of the thumbnail and you can see an upscaled version of the pixel art in the description. I wanted to submit it at 100% in size because that was how I wanted it to be judged by people.
This is supposed to be for original artwork. You should post archives somewhere outside of the portal.
Also, upon further inspection, you made a small mistake in your piece
Sorry, I'm just getting started. I don't have any ideas, so please support me instead of make me feel bad
btw, where is the mistake?
also I'm not even on the art portal yet
I like how you tried to use only straight lines
Yeah, been having a lot of fun with those lately, glad that it shows!
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions?
You got it
Art every month.
Games whenever.
Animations even less frequently.
Profile picture by dewdneym
Great Britain
Joined on 10/31/16